What is local food delivery.?

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Food delivery  is booming these days  . To  eat  in a fast and healthy way, some people prefer this mode of consumption. Local food delivery is then based on various concepts.

Purchase of products from his area of ​​residence

The term “  local  ” makes it possible to better define this concept of modern times. Local food is therefore this set of products purchased or manufactured in an area located not far from one’s place of residence. For many experts, this is a restricted area with a certain tradition of consumption, but above all of agricultural production. In general, local food refers to a mode of consumption that consists of being limited to a territory, region or country. This concept therefore abolishes the notion of distance by emphasizing so- called direct sales . Many consumers now favor “local consumption” and therefore prefer to buy directly from the nearest  farmer  .

The local food industry is very dynamic today in France with tens of thousands of distributors. Having local food delivered provides access to  original  farm products with optimal traceability. Based on this concept, companies,  producers  or  restaurants  strive to guarantee more transparency and clarity to consumers. The latter have easy access to information relating to the origin and history of the foodstuff: a guarantee of safety and proximity. Delivering local food therefore means serving ethically correct products for the consumer.

A sustainable mode of consumption seen from several angles

The concept of local food delivery can be translated as a desire to access naturally grown products. For some consumers, the main thing is to consume locally grown products. For them, this matters more than proximity to the production area. Thus, the representation we have of the concept of local food can vary from one individual to another. At first, it may mean consuming only produce grown near your  home. Then it can simply emphasize sustainable consumption at the expense of proximity to production. Either way, the key thing to remember is to consume responsibly for a   more comfortable life .

What are the advantages of having local products delivered?

The delivery of local products has many advantages both in terms of the environment and health.Products that respect the environment.Having local food delivered allows you to benefit from healthy and environmentally friendly products. Indeed, organic farming prohibits the use of pesticides and toxic materials. It therefore has a real impact on the preservation of the environment. Also, through the agricultural production systems used, biodiversity is conserved. Furthermore, the non-use of synthetic pesticides is an important asset that promotes good  water quality  . The products delivered are grown in environments with little nitrate pollution, with soils of optimal quality.

Good food for health.direct meat sale producer

The delivery of local food also makes it possible to receive a whole range of products beneficial to health. Various studies carried out by experts confirm the close link between organic food and health. Indeed, the fact that toxic products are not used in agriculture makes it possible to have vegetables,  fruits , meat or milk of superior quality. You will therefore not see any trace of pesticides or elements dangerous to the well-being of the body.

Local food also contains important nutritional values: lipids in animal products, omega-3 fatty acids in dairy products, and many other vitamins in fruits and vegetables . It is also necessary to point out the minimal presence of additives, which gives organic products, less refined certainly, but contributing to a high nutritional contribution. Thus, the delivery of local food products allows the consumption of tasty and reliable food, grown according to quality standards and practices. In  the short circuit , the producers also use as a selling point the organic and tasty character of the carefully selected products.

Food that promotes the terroir

Getting local food delivered is a great way to promote the  terroir  and above all to enhance it. The fact of consuming locally allows the  creation  of a close link between farmers, producers and consumers. Also, a strong social bond is created around locally grown products. In addition, the delivery of local products also makes it possible to reconcile with various seasonal products with varied tastes. This process avoids the consumer having to go very far to seek the same products which are however grown not far from home. A great way to reduce the ecological footprint, in particular by reducing the pollution generated by any means of transport you have taken.

What are the different types of short circuits?

Local food delivery relies heavily on the short circuit concept. This can then be done in two different ways: direct sale and sale with an intermediary.

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