8 tips for eating well on vacation.?

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Summer is coming, and with it its share of aperitifs, barbecues, neighbours’ parties, picnics…and vacations. And that’s very good! Far be it from us to enjoin you to deprive yourself during this joyful and festive time, but rather to invite you to remain vigilant, simply, to eat well on vacation.


Ethical and gourmet, always.

The gourmet side, generally, on vacation, we do not forget it. But the ethical side can quickly seem more complicated to respect…

It is for this reason that we have concocted 8 practical tips for you, which you will find right away!

Tip #1: take the opportunity to eat locally!

Whether you go to the south of France, to the Ile d’Oléron, to the Maghreb, to Bali, to Iceland, to Corsica, to Greece, or to Germany, all regions of the world have culinary specialties.

While vacationing, savouring the local cuisines can be a delightful journey in itself. When travellers book a holiday to someplace in Africa, one itinerary that stands out for its food richness is Tanzania Safari Packages. When you explore new destinations, indulging in authentic dishes from local eateries satisfies your taste buds and immerses you in the rich culture and flavours of the region. It’s a culinary adventure that complements the enchantment of your vacation, resulting in a taste of the true spirit of the destination you’re visiting.

Eating well on vacation starts with eating locally.

If you go to the coast, take the opportunity to eat the fish caught of the day, whether at the restaurant, or by buying it directly from the fisherman, or at a market.


If you go to the mountains, ask what the local specialties are, you will be surprised! For example, during our Tour de France of eating well , we did a 2-day hike in the Vallée d’Allos. We had been told about the manager of a mountain refuge, the Refuge de l’Estrop , accessible only by helicopter, or after several hours of walking. Suffice to say that the team did not go shopping at Auchan every morning, since they had to go back each time with the shopping on their backs!

So we met a very welcoming manager, and were treated to a delicious omelet, which had been prepared with wild nettles that grew all around the refuge.

Consider asking the locals. What are the specialties, which markets do they recommend, which restaurants do homemade?

That’s also holidays, discovering new flavors. 🙂

Tip n°2: to eat well on vacation, buy your fresh food

During the tour, we cooked every day on a small camping stove in our van. We made great dishes, even with the minimum of equipment. So of course, for the next time, we have plenty of ideas to improve all that.


For example, a system for collecting water and storing it, an electric stove since we acquired a cigarette lighter socket, a better equipped kitchen area with more storage.

But even without these improvements, we could enjoy ourselves during this Tour de France. So for anyone who decides to go on the road for their vacation, we can say that it is possible to eat well on vacation. 🙂

Buy raw food, from the corner as long as you can, and prefer restaurants that cook fresh and homemade!

Tip n°3: eat while taking the tim

There is no better time than on vacation to reconnect with time. You’ve already noticed how the minutes tick by differently depending on whether you’re late for a date, watching an exciting movie, or planking for 1.5 minutes. A minute can feel like an eternity, or a fraction of a second.


To eat well on vacation, we invite you to slow down, indulge yourself, and savor every bite. You will feel all the flavors of summer, more colorful, sweeter, and it will be all the more pleasant!

 Tip #4: Real fruits and real juices, not bottled sugar!

 Summer is THE time to eat fruit. They are everywhere, of all sizes and shapes. Peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, nectarines, plums, melons. It’s now or never to stock up, even when you’re not a fan at first. Because summer fruits are like candy. We don’t know 1 person who doesn’t like it. There are people who do not think of buying them, but when they have them on hand, they necessarily appreciate them.


Eating well on vacation means eating real fruit, or juice from real fruit. But what a waste to buy ready-made juices in the supermarket when you can take the taste directly from the source!

Tip 5: Lots of salad and slow cooking

 It’s hot, no raclette needed. So ok, from time to time, a pizza (artisanal!) made by the local restaurant is good. But make sure it is not industrial, what a pity it would be to eat a hot dish in the middle of summer, which is not good for your health (and makes you gain unnecessary pounds).

Eating well on vacation means eating food as naturally as possible.

Prefer salads, light dishes or pan-fried vegetables. If you go to Iceland, of course, these recommendations are less true, and you will probably want to rush on a very hot dish after taking gusts of wind in your face for hours (a landscape like that, it is deserves!). And even there, you can eat very simple dishes, mainly fish-based (we also went around in a van^^).

For people who find it difficult to eat raw vegetables, do not hesitate to cook them lightly so that they are more digestible. And above all, one of the keys is to chew them well, slowly, to avoid giving your digestive system too much work.

 treat is the croissant in the morning, don’t take a pastry for tea. If it’s more ice cream during the digestive stroll on the port of the seaside resort, have a light dinner before.

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